Kelly Clarkson said it best in her song "Because of You"..."Because of you, I find it hard to trust".
So I recently came up with my own little theory as to why so many people are so adamantly against the use of technology, specifically in the classroom.
Humans are programmed to lose trust when they are disappointed or let down. Unfortunately, we are often times disappointed and/or let down by technology. Not just classroom tech, but everything! How many times has your phone broke, or you A/C quit working (in the summer), or the copy machine ate your copies?! All of these instances lead to a mistrust of technology. Especially when the molding of young minds is what is "at risk".
I then think, how do we go about trusting again, once we've been disappointed. We either completely reject someone/something or we protect ourselves. Since technology is not going anywhere, I highly recommend protecting ourselves. What does this mean? It means understanding that technology is man made. It's not doing anything on purpose to try and cause you problems. But it's also not perfect. So have a back up plan.
How are you going to teach this lesson with technology?
How you would teach it without technology?
Preparation is the key when it comes to protecting yourself. Don't let yourself be afraid to trust.