Wednesday, December 30, 2015

An Island of Images

Right?  My title gives you NO indication what my post will be about.  HA!  That's ok.  I'll explain it here and I'll also explain the title.

I'm going to talk about Pixabay.

Title first: In my head a bay = an island.  While geographically incorrect, it's the word association my brain uses to remember the website.  I can call it what I want.  :)  Pix = pics = an image.  Get it?!  Get it?! Huh?! Huh?!

The "a" is inconsequential.

This summer Tony Vincent came and talked to a group of teachers that I work with and one of his suggestions for finding images for presentations was Pixabay.

Why use that when Google images has all of the possible wondrous images that you could ever image?  Well....because of copyright laws.  That's why.

Pixabay images are from users who upload the images and you have free right to use them, change them, reprint them, etc. all without giving credit.  You are totally in the legal free and clear when using Pixabay.

Why does this matter?
It matters because back in the day when the only thing teachers and students did was create a power point and show it within their own classroom or school.  While that was still not legal, nobody really knew and it could easily be "swept under the rug" and ignored.  Now your audience, whether you are a teacher or a student, is on a much more global scale.  Folks are bound to notice if you are using their material illegally.  Or maybe they won't.  But do you really want to 1) risk it? 2) set that example for your students?


Give Pixabay a chance.  They have some really amazing pictures.  You may even consider uploading some of your own and know that other educators out there are using them and sighing in relief because they are in the copyright free and clear.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Step Away

For the last week, I've taken a step away from blogging, Twitter, Buffer, and anything work/social media related.  I should have but didn't take a step away from Facebook, but that is more of a personal social media than professional, so I felt justified in being able to chat with friends from all over the country and wish them a Merry Christmas.

In taking the time away from my professional world, I felt like it would give me a chance to reset. My brain was on overload and there was so much flying around in my head that I didn't know what to do next.  When I came back to work, I restarted and organization was my priority.  I started with a small Buffer list, then moved to my calendar, then last organized my emails.

I feel like I'm in a better place to move forward in an organized fashion.  Do you need to take a step away?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blab Blab Blab Blab...Beta

Recently Periscope has been a tech tool that has everyone a buzz.  To be able to cast to anyone, or specific someones, in real time - at the moment - has been awesome!  And don't get me wrong, it's still awesome and still has some great potential for educational purposes.  I may even blog about it at some point.

But what I want to talk about today is Blab.  It's an app that I recently found.  I want to say that I discovered it from a Tony Vincent tweet.  I gave it as an option to one of my teachers who was looking to support his Physics classes outside of school hours.  After that, I didn't focus on it too much.  Not because I didn't want to but because I had other things I was focused on.  Don't're busy too.  ;)

So a couple of days ago, I decided I wanted to explore Blab more.  As opposed to Periscope, you can actively engage with viewers.  So I want to actively engage with you!!  Plus, you can schedule a Blab and get a link ahead of time in order to be prepared.

<Tangent> That's me.  I like to be prepared.  Probably a little too prepared if you ask any of my family and friends.  A back up plan for my back up plan for my plan.  And even then, different versions of all the back up plans.  What?! <Tangent End>

I tried to schedule and hold a test Blab yesterday, but was at the dentist getting some fillings done. BOO! And decided my mouth may be a little too tender to have strangers looking at my face.  I rescheduled the test for today at 8PM EST (because my face is not dentist is GREAT!).

Tonight's Blab will be 15 min.  It's called Bedtime Stories and I will ask 1 question.  Share your stories with me.  Teachers are amazing story here's a chance to share.  Join me tonight:

See you then!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

K12 vs Higher Ed

I come from a K12 background.  I just finished my 1st year in a Higher Ed setting.  It's been an adjustment.

The whole time I was in K12, I would find myself saying, "I'm preparing them for college and real life".  Now, I see that what I was preparing them for, is not in fact Higher Ed. some ways yes; critical thinking, independence, making good choices, etc.

However, the way I was choices, allowing for creativity, asking for creation and explanation of thinking.  Granted, I didn't have much of a choice because this is how I was directed to teach, but I also agreed with it.  With all my heart!  I felt like much of that allowed for the critical thinking and independence and making good choices.

I feel like as a child I got REALLY good at following directions and "being a student" so that now, being free and creative is sometimes a challenge for me.  I don't want my students to feel that way.

Anyway, back to the Higher Ed, sometimes it still feels like what it used to 15 years ago when I went to undergrad.  There's a gap.  There's a difference between how we teach in K12 and how we teach in Higher Ed.  And if they aren't already feeling it, students will soon figure it out.

How do we close the gap?  How do we focus on the best way to reach students?  Will students revert to "studenting" when they go to college?  Will they want the more interactive way of learning?