That being said, I'm OK with that. *statement retraction*
I'm not OK with that. Funny thing is that my priorities are (maybe) a little off. What I'm OK with is not working at home. What I'm not OK with is that I cannot clean my home. Laundry piles up, mail collects on my table, and let's not even talk about the bathroom that keeps the liter box for Max (the cat).
Now...personal rant over. Back to what I am OK with.
I am OK with not working at home. One of the reasons I'm OK with that is because when I do get to work the next day, my email isn't stacked miles high. There are a few emails and I can organize and handle that.
It took me time time to really start using it but now I feel like it's really part of my daily routine. If you can imagine (think wavy Scooby Doo lines and sound effects): You send an email with facts and questions to one or multiple people. Someone emails back (not reply all) with some answers that lead to more questions. You have to reply all with questions and answers to some people but not everyone. Then someone else responds with a reply all, but doesn't answer some of the questions. So then someone else replies, but you don't see it cause it wasn't a reply all, so you don't know those answers and have to send another email to get some information. And back and forth and back and forth and etc. Are you overwhelmed yet? Is your inbox overflowing yet? And you can't delete any of them because of the various pieces of information in all the different emails.
Or you can use Slack. All in one place. No inbox. Everyone can see everything. The end.