Which will be most natural for you and why?
In my current position, I am able to suggest new and innovative ideas to teachers. We can collaborate and build off of each other’s ideas until we’re both happy with our experiment. Our conversations are natural debriefing and planning sessions. However, I know which teachers I can plan and create with, and I know which teachers I should avoid discussing any kind of educational technology or current trends in education. The role I have now allows me to pick and choose who I plan with and push toward new ideas. As a leader in school, I will not always have that choice.
More importantly, it will be difficult to recognize the mental model(s) at a school. When “we remain unaware of our mental models, the models remain unchanged. As the world changes, the gap widens between our mental models and reality, leading to increasingly counterproductive actions” (Senge, 1990, p. 166). In fact, before reading the Mental Models chapter, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with what I believe to be what a schools mental model should be; what’s best for kids. I do believe that most educators would agree with the idea that whatever we do, it should be what’s best for kids. However, it will continue to be the HOW that is a challenge.
Again, Senge (1990) explained that “when you look carefully you find that most “visions” are on person’s (or one group’s) vision imposed on an organization” (p. 192). My hope is that by working together with others at school we can build a shared vision in which everyone feels like they had input. There will be compromise and not everyone will be in the same place when it comes to vision achievement. However, I believe that if everyone believes we are working together to achieve our goal and that they are supported no matter where they are in the process, that shared vision will be successful.
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