Where to begin...a long, long time ago...just kidding.
I did my very first Twitter chat in 2014. I know random how I know that right? But here's the thing...it had THAT big of an impact on me. It was spring...and I had been in my new job for almost a whole school year. One of the things I was determined to figure out was Twitter and why/how it should be used in education. Little did I know, that chat would set me on a path that I never imagined!
From there, I was on chats a couple of nights a week. Learning so much from so many! I don't remember their names...none of them are my friends...but I still found them all to be SO valuable! I started finding my own personal rock stars that I could go to their feed when I needed tips or tricks or even just pick me ups.
Fast forward through the summer...I went to #ISTE14, tweeted about that, followed the very first #edcampVegas through twitter (injured ankle made it hard to walk), and continued my regular chats. I decided that Las Vegas was no longer the place for me and started looking for jobs in Ohio...it's not as random as it seems in this brief history. Anyway, I searched #ohedchat. Low and behold, OSU, THE Ohio State University...is hiring for a job that I CAN DO! So I tweet the original tweeter...and set the ball in motion. That was in October and by November I was moved to Ohio.
And it all started with a Tweet!
Anyway...jump forward a few years. I am back in Vegas...miss OSU terribly...but have a whole new adventure as a technology teacher in a K-8 school. I'm disengaged. I love the teachers I work with, and I love "coaching" them, but I am frustrated by how my classroom position goes. At the end of this school year, I know that I have to make some changes.
I'm also started a MA in Admin program and the more I dive into that the more I feel called to work with teachers directly and with students indirectly. However...I know that isn't an option. It's not an option Erin. You need to be a technology teacher. I also need to recognize that I'm learning how to teach middle schoolers, I'm learning how to teach technology, I'm learning how to teach in a Catholic school again, I'm learning...and that is OK.
Now...let's jump to tonight. Monday, June 12th. I saw @ryan7read post about a #tlap chat. I know that I'll have to participate in a chat soon for one of my assignments, so I decided I would join in. I put it on my calendar. (Cause you can't do anything if it's not on your calendar right?) It just so happens that I was on Twitter an hour before and was able to join in the #edtechchat as well.
Let me preface...I've done an #edtechchat before, numerous times...and they have always been fantastic! Tonight...I wasn't feeling it. I was glad when it was over. The questions were good, thought-provoking questions...but the conversation wasn't there.
I think I need the additional feedback and conversation to see what others are thinking to expand my thought process. I already know what I think...I want more...I want to know what you think. Are we on the same track? Are you going to give me some insight that never dawned on me? Are you going to reaffirm what I'm thinking? Are we going to continue to learn from each other?
I know that #edtechchat does those things...but for me, tonight, it didn't. I was fully ready to close my laptop and just call it a night on Twitter. But I decided to search #tlap anyway and see what happened. The reality is, I could leave and nobody would know if it wasn't what I needed at that moment. So I saw @daveburgess initial introduce yourself tweet and did. Then as I saw everyone else tweeting their names and sharing bits of who they were...I was getting some likes on my name alone. That may not mean very much...but the reality is...in the Twitter world to me...it says "Welcome, we are glad you are here". And well so I shared my next bit that it was my first #tlap chat and my notifications expanded about how great the chats were and how many connections I'll make and how wonderful it will all be. Now you've welcomed me AND you are making me excited about learning from you! I'm "hooked" (haha pun intended...get it Capt. Hook...pirate. hahah I make myself laugh).
From there on...the questions came rolling in and the answers didn't roll out. I loved that I could take a few minutes and be contemplative. I could answer a question and had time to go back and review and like and comment and question and ENGAGE! There were conversations and side conversations and it was all so positive and interesting! I learned that a fellow teacher snorts when she laughs and that it creates a beautiful effect where the students then laugh and it's ok to be that happy and unguarded! I learned how to address hot button topics with middle school students so parents don't get angry...send home a letter. Duh Erin. There was lots of talk about blogging. We all have such a powerful voice inside us. You won't reach everyone, but you will reach someone...share your voice. Reach that someone. And I got a couple of blogs that I will have to share here so that if you read this...read theirs.
Mr. T's Jibber Jabber by Scott Titmas: https://mrtjibberjabber.wordpress.com/
Fearless Educators by Shawn Ford: http://fearlesseducators.com/
Love Learning. Love Life. by Krista Pedrod: https://lovelearninglovelife.wordpress.com/
At the end...I feel excited, I feel connected, I feel rejuvenated. I can do this...I will do this...I will make mistakes and get yelled at (and then cry)...but I know that I do ALL of this because I care about the kids. And I want to be the absolute best teacher I can be. And on top of all that...there are educators around the world that feel the same way...whether you cry or not...and we are connected.
So thank you.
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