Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Well, it is January 1, 2020. 

My family and I are settled in Florida, as well as we can be.  I've got my job at my new school.  I am working on my book, Balancing the EDU Life, with a multitude of talented educators with stories that move and inspire me with each word I read, staying active on Voxer with a few different PLNs, and I still have the Undrcaff3inated Podcast that I work on with Joelle and Ashley.  Combine that with all the other "stuff" of life, and I'm feeling...full of life. 

Of course, in my PLNs this year, #oneword2020 was a hot topic.  My word is WHY.  Also of course, that is not the only hot topic.  My friend Melissa wanted to start #edublogyear in one of our Voxer group.  I knew that I would not be able to blog 365 days.  I am already juggling too many things to be able to do all of them as well as I would like to, if for no other reason than they aren't my number 1 son and my husband and my parents and my in laws are my number 1 priority.

As I sat down tonight to scroll through Twitter as my husband watched TV and my son slept peacefully, I opened up my friend Holly's blog.  She is participating in the #edublogyear initiative.  I read her post and I was inspired!  I thought her post was insightful and interesting.  I know that it took time and effort, but as I read it, it didn't seem like it was a difficult task for her to write.  I began to think. 

Then I thought about my #oneword2020...WHY.  WHY do I have to blog every. single. day?  WHY can't I do what I can do?  Nobody is judging me, except perhaps myself.  So WHY not?

I may not see you every day, but I'll do the best to see you some days.  Cheers Melissa, Holly, and anyone else participating in #edublogyear!

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