Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Take a Vacation

So I recently returned (yesterday) from a vacation.

"What does that have to do with anything?  Oh great!  Is she going to start showing a ton of family pictures?  I don't know you, I don't care."

So all this is flying through my head.  And while my vacation is more personal than I am going to share, I have a different point to make.  Being a teacher, I often find that when I'm on vacation, I'm not really on vacation.  How many of you are in that boat?  Constantly checking emails...grading papers...creating lessons, etc.

I started my vacation the first couple of days doing much of my job "from home".  I then decided to put my phone/laptop away and really focus on my vacation.  My job is across the country from my parents and "home".  The move was insanely difficult for me because my mom and I are so close.  I realized that if I spent all the time that I had set aside with her, the rest of my family, and my friends working...I would only resent my job, be angry with myself, and miss them that much more when I did return home.

That being said, your vacation is a break for you.  You need that time to recover, you need that time to decompress, and you need that time to enjoy what/who you love.  And you need to give that 100% of your attention.

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